Resource Compilation

Check out the suite of software tools and assets leveraged to enhance the brilliance of my website!

Software Toolset

  • Typescript: The core programming language used
  • Vue: The framework for front-end development
  • Nuxt: A Vue.js framework, for server-side rendering and other features
  • Nuxt/ColorMode: For enabling dark mode
  • Nuxt/Content: For the streamlined creation of articles from markdown files
  • Nuxt/i18n: For enabling translation/localization
  • Nuxt/Image: For optimising images
  • Pinia: For effective state management
  • Tailwind: For versatile css styling

Asset Inventory

  • Tailwind UI: Modern styled UI components (holding a Personal Complete Package Restricted License)
  • Headless UI: Minimalistic unstyled UI components
  • Heroicons: Used for a diverse range of generic icons
  • Bootstrap Icons: Used for social icons
  • Flagpedia: Used for flag icons
  • Personal bought galaxy stock photo for banner image